babies who fight sleep are smart

8 Reasons Why Babies Who Fight Sleep Are Smart

Dealing with babies who fight sleep can be tough for any parent. But did you know that this behavior might mean your baby is really smart? From my experience, these little ones often show signs of advanced development in different ways. Let’s explore why babies who resist sleep might be smarter than we think. Enhanced …

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Homeschooling an Only Child

Homeschooling an Only Child [5 Powerful Reasons]

Homeschooling/self-directed learning has been deemed an ideal solution to give kids the most excellent education without leaving the homeschooling environment for any reason. Even small villages can provide a lot of resources for kids. Homeschooling an only kid is a fantastic experience. Fortunately, only children may receive an excellent education at home with homeschooling, eliminating …

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Habits of Highly Successful Homeschoolers

11 Habits of Highly Successful Homeschoolers

There are millions of homeschoolers around the globe, but not all of them are successful. With that being said, there must be some qualities (aka habits of highly successful homeschoolers) that separate successful homeschoolers from those who aren’t. The question raised in my mind: Why are some homeschoolers more successful? For the past few days, …

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Best Game Based Learning Platforms

6 Best Game Based Learning Platforms in 2024

Our research has led us to the following 6 game based learning platforms that deserve your attention: Game based learning platforms  Unique Features  Price  Mrs Wordsmith  Feature hilarious illustrations and a fun way of learning   Click here Kahoot  Best for beginners  Click here Quizizz  Appealing quiz creation format, open for all without any cost  Click …

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How To Boost a Child's Confidence

How To Boost a Child’s Confidence? – Steps and 12 Best Tips

Carl Pickhardt, a psychologist, says that a kid who lacks confidence will find it hard to try new things because of fear of failure. This thinking of your child can result in slow skill development growth and less critical thinking. With that being said, it’s crucial to raise a confident child because the confident child …

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What Can a 12 Year Old Do When Bored At Home

What Can a 12 Year Old Do When Bored At Home?

Is your child experiencing a boring day due to bad weather conditions, a rainy day, or maybe they just aren’t in the mood to go outside and play with friends? Are you looking for something fun to do and ways to get boredom out of child? Looking for what can a 12 year old do when …

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How to Deal With Lying Child

How to Deal With Lying Child? 12 Helpful Tips

Children lie for many reasons. Maybe they are trying to avoid punishment, get out of trouble, or protect themselves from embarrassment. This does not mean that your child will grow up to be a pathological liar. Even if you have a chronic prevaricator, there are some easy steps that can help you deal with a …

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Is Homeschooling Better Than Public School

Is Homeschooling Better Than Public School?

I’ve always been curious about the benefits of homeschooling vs. public schools, but I never really knew where to start my research. That is, until now. A friend of mine recently told me she was considering homeschooling her children and asked for some input on the subject matter.  I thought it would be a great …

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Why Should I Get a College Degree

Why Should I Get a College Degree? 9 Reasons

Have you ever asked yourself that, why do you need a 4-year college degree to get a job? And still, why do people get a college degree after sacrificing their big part of life when they can enjoy and earn a lot instead? So, the most confusing question arises here: Is going to college important? …

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How to Pass a Multiple Choice Test

How to Pass a Multiple Choice Test – 12 Tips

Are you worried about how to pass a multiple choice test? Test-taking strategies are essential for passing your next exam. With the right strategy, you can be sure to get full credit for every question. Multiple-choice tests are the type of exam where the answer is either right or wrong, and the student has to …

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