Factors such as COVID-19 have led to a resurgence in the popularity of homeschooling. With the shut-down of schools around the globe, parents started thinking about new ways to educate their children. Homeschooling has been around for centuries, but it’s only recently that it has become more mainstream.
But stills most people think how weird it will be to spend the whole time with the kids at home, no social life, no more parties, and all day every day with the same people.
Though it’s not totally true, but yes, it’s kind of a big responsibility to take care of everything from teaching to managing the household at the same time.

So, Is homeschooling hard?
The answer is: It depends. But what more matters is your desire and dedication to making it work for you and your family.
There are many factors that can make homeschooling more difficult, such as chaotic home life, working parents, or children with special needs. But there are also many factors that can make homeschooling easier, such as a supportive community, flexible schedules, or a curriculum that is already designed.
It depends on your ideal situation. Some families find homeschooling to be a very difficult experience, while others find it to be relatively easy.
It’s More About Personalized Goals And Preferences
For some parents, homeschooling is a no-brainer. They love their kids and want to protect them from the harsh realities of having to sacrifice their time and energy to send their kids to school every day. But now, with homeschooling, they can get the best of both worlds – quality time with their children AND a good education. They feel satisfied with the social, physical, and academic growth of their kids from homeschooling, so they always feel motivated to pursue this homeschooling life. And I believe these are the people who sacrifice their present for the better future (mostly I found this mentality – and it’s true at some point).
The same belief I found in my colleague Kelly, who has been homeschooling her son for 5 years.
“It’s not as hard as people make it out to be,” she said. “You just have to be organized and have a good routine.”
But there are other parents who find homeschooling to be a very difficult experience. They miss the structure and discipline of the traditional school system. They worry about their children’s social development and whether or not they are getting a good education.
“It’s hard because you have to be everything to your child – teacher, parent, principal,” said one mother who decided to homeschool her children after the school system failed her son. “You have to wear so many hats.”
The straightforward answer to, “is homeschooling hard”, is “it depends on your own unique preferences, goals, and family dynamic.”
Recommended: Why Do Parents Homeschool Their Child?
How to Figure Out Whether Homeschooling is Right or Wrong For Me?
Homeschooling truly means taking all the responsibilities of being all the characters for your kids in their academics and social life.
You might be thinking that you are not capable of teaching or you don’t have enough patience to do so. But, if this is your calling then trust me, you will get used to it with time as it’s said – practice makes a man perfect. The more you do it, the better you will become at it.
The best way to find out if homeschooling is right for you is to talk to other homeschooling families and get their perspectives. If not that I got 5 points for you to make a better decision for yourself.
– Being present 24/7 for kids
Is homeschooling hard because I will be with my kids 24/7?

If you are worried about being with your kids all the time, then you might want to consider a more traditional school setting. But, if you love to spend more time with them, then this won’t be an issue for you. In fact, it will be a blessing in disguise. You will have more quality time to bond with your kids and help them grow into responsible adults.
– You have to be organized
If you are not an organized person, then homeschooling might not be right for you. Homeschooling requires a lot of planning and organization. You need to be able to keep track of your child’s progress and make sure that they are getting a good education.
– You need to be patient
You need to be able to deal with tantrums, bad days, and challenging behavior. You also need to be able to deal with the fact that your child might not always want to learn. Homeschooling requires a lot of patience.
– You need to be flexible
Homeschooling requires you to be flexible. From scheduling according to your child’s needs to being able to change course when something isn’t working, you need to be able to go with the flow.
– You need to be able to deal with isolation
If you’re kind of a person who loves freedom and doesn’t want to get burdened with social isolation, then the answer to Is homeschooling hard is YES for you.
Because most of the time, you have to give up on your social life to some extent in order to give more time to your kids. It’s not that you will be socially isolated but, you have to consider your kid’s school and extracurricular activities timings first, which might limit your social life to some extent.
But, if you are an introvert or someone who loves staying at home, then this won’t be an issue for you.
– The state laws
Homeschooling is regulated by state laws, as per recent homeschooling laws in France are a controversial thing there. Some states have very lenient laws, while others are more stricter. You need to research the homeschooling laws in your state to make sure that you are following them.
– Family dynamics
Homeschooling can be a challenge if you have a chaotic family life. If you are constantly fighting with your spouse or your children are constantly arguing, homeschooling might be challenging for you. Homeschooling requires a lot of cooperation and communication within the family.
– Homeschooling your kids while having a full-time job
If both parents do full-time jobs, it can be a little tough.
Sarah Mackenzie in her Washington Post article stated that she has been pursuing homeschooling for her kids with a full-time home-based job. According to her, it feels impossible, but it’s just hard initially. If you believe you have a strong desire for homeschooling, you feel ok to learn with your kids, spending time on planning curriculums, doing research, and being patient with kids then it might not be that tough for you.
Why do I think homeschooling is not hard?
Everything seems hard initially, but with time, effort and patience we get used to it.
The same is the case with homeschooling, if you are determined to do it, you can make it successful no matter how hard it seems at first.
I know, it sounds fascinating to have your own learning space, own schedule, curriculum, and all that, but it’s more than a tough job to be on the level of your kid, staying at home, participating with them, playing the role of teacher, friend, parent and what not. So, it might not be a piece of cake, but if you think you are determined enough to make it, then Is homeschooling hard? – NO

The Verdict
No matter what we start new in life, at the initial level it seems tough and challenging but, with time and practice it becomes our second nature.

Homeschooling is not an exception, it requires a lot of effort, dedication, and consistency. But the desire is what only counts because it’s just a matter of how badly you want something.
Those parents who choose to homeschool never regret their decision, because they’ve experienced that homeschooling is worth every piece of their time and effort.
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Is it better to be homeschooled or go to school?
There isn’t a simple answer to this question since it depends on each individual’s needs and preferences. Some people thrive in a traditional school setting, while others prefer the more flexible environment of homeschooling. There are pros and cons to both options, so it’s important to weigh your options carefully before making a decision.
What are the advantages of homeschooling?
Some of the potential advantages of homeschooling include customized learning, more family bonding time, and increased flexibility. Additionally, homeschooling can be less expensive than traditional schooling and allow for more opportunities to travel and explore the world.
What are the disadvantages of homeschooling?
Some of the potential disadvantages of homeschooling include social isolation, less exposure to diverse viewpoints, and difficulty following state homeschooling laws. Additionally, homeschooling can be a challenge if you have a chaotic family life or if you are working full-time.
How hard is it to go back to public school after homeschooling?
It’s not that hard to go back to public school after homeschooling. However, it’s important to be prepared for the transition and to understand that there may be some adjustments that need to be made. Additionally, it’s important to make sure that you are following the state homeschooling laws so that you don’t run into any legal trouble.
Read also our guide: How To Go Back To Public School After Homeschool
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Keira Addison is a mother pursuing homeschooling for her kids for decades. She loves sharing her experience and practical advice about homeschooling, which has made her a popular authority on the subject. As a professional author, Keira knows how to communicate clearly and effectively with her audience, making her an ideal source of information for anyone considering homeschooling their children.