Similarities between homeschooling and public schooling

Parents have been choosing homeschooling more and more in recent years. In the United States, the number of homeschoolers has increased by 60 percent since 1999, and there are now estimated to be between 3 and 3.5 million homeschooled students in the country. While there are many reasons parents might choose to homeschool their children, one of the main reasons is often a desire to provide a more customized and individualized education than what public schools can offer.

However, it’s important to remember that homeschooling is not necessarily better than public schooling or vice versa. Both have their strengths and weaknesses, and ultimately it’s up to each family to decide what’s best for their children.

Homeschooling is a form of education in which children are taught at home by their parents or guardians rather than in a traditional school setting. Some parents choose to homeschool their children because they feel that the public or private school system does not meet their child’s needs. Others choose to homeschool for religious reasons, while others still do it because they want their children to receive a more customized education.

Similarities between homeschooling and public schooling

With that said, let’s look at some similarities between homeschooling and public schooling.

Similarities between homeschooling and public schooling

You’re not extraordinary when you think about transitioning from public school to homeschool and feel the consequences, challenges, and advantages.

When you look at the positive side and advantages of homeschooling, considering the similarities between them is a great way to start.

However, the similarities greatly depend on your parenting style, educational philosophy, and methods.

Some homeschooling parents prefer having a separate classroom in their house where they have all the fancy stuff like a learning desk, flag, whiteboard,  etc. Other parents don’t bother with this and homeschool their kids at the dining table or any other place in their house where they can all sit together comfortably.

The other factor that comes into play is homeschooling laws. This impact the way you homeschool and the amount of freedom you have.

In some states, you are only allowed to teach from a specific curriculum, which means your choices are limited. Consequently, you’re similar in some ways to the public schooling system.

On the other hand, states with lax homeschooling laws give parents freedom in how they want to run their homeschool and what materials they want to use.

For instance, some parents choose an unschooling approach, a child-led form of learning where the child decides what they want to know. This contrasts with the more traditional approach where the parent picks the curriculum and subjects for their child.

At the end of the day, it’s up to each family to decide what type of schooling is best for their children.

At a glance: The similarities depend on your own choice. As homeschooling is customizable, you’re the one who can make it as similar or different from public schooling as you want.

Basic similarities between homeschooling and public schooling

But when you compare both, some factors are essential and consider the fundamental similarities between homeschooling and public schooling.

3 R’s

This is pretty basic and obvious, but it’s worth mentioning. Like public schools, the 3 R’s are still a big part of homeschooling.

This means that your kids will still be learning to read, write, and do arithmetic. The only difference is how it’s being taught and your materials.

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In public school, they might be using textbooks and worksheets, while in homeschooling, you might be using a more hands-on approach like Montessori materials or Charlotte Mason living books (this doesn’t mean homeschool parents avoid textbooks and worksheets, even though most prefer traditional books but just teaching them in their way).

No matter your approach, your kids will still need to be proficient in the 3 R’s.


Most people believe public school offers great socialization opportunities for kids. Others think oppositely and say that homeschooling is the best for socialization.

The truth is, both offer excellent socialization skills.

Think about it, in public school; you have socialization opportunities like lunchtime, recess, sports teams, band, theater, and more. School provides kids with a structured environment where they must follow the rules, listen to authority figures, and cooperate with their peers.

On the other hand, homeschoolers have opportunities for socialization through field trips, co-ops, classes, clubs, scouts, and sports teams.

So, both homeschooling and public schooling offer great socialization opportunities for kids. So it’s you who will figure out what can work best.

Standardized Tests

How are homeschool and public schools Similar in terms of standardized tests?

Homeschoolers take standardized tests just like public school students. The difference is that homeschoolers usually take these tests at the end of each academic year, while public school students take them at the end of each semester or grade level.

Also, homeschoolers have a lot more testing options than public school students. For instance, they can take the Stanford 10, the Iowa test of basic skills, or the California Achievement Test.

But again, state laws vary, so you must check with your local homeschooling group or association to see what standardized tests are available in your area.


Again this depends on the parents. But in most cases, homeschool and public school parents prefer online resources.

Whether homeschooling or public schooling, you’ll likely find yourself using many online resources.

For instance, you can find homeschooling curricula, printables, worksheets, unit studies, lesson plans, and more.

And of course, there are also many great resources for public school students, such as online textbooks, games, videos, and more.

Extracurricular Activities

Extracurricular activities are activities that take place outside of the regular school day, such as sports teams, clubs, and volunteer organizations.

While extracurricular activities are not required for either homeschooling or public schooling, they can be an excellent way for students to get involved in their community and learn new skills.

Most people believe that public schools are the only place students can participate in extracurricular activities. But this is not true! Homeschoolers can also participate in extracurricular activities through local homeschooling groups, community organizations, and online homeschooling programs.

But the most significant similarity between homeschooling and public schooling is that both offer excellent learning opportunities. So it’s up to you to decide what’s best for your family!

What are the dissimilarities?

I’ll cut to the chase. The most crucial difference I observe is “one-on-one” attention, which is unique to homeschooling.

I remember being in a class of 30+ students, and the teacher couldn’t or didn’t have time to pay attention to each individual, so I would get lost and stop paying attention myself.

In homeschooling, the parent or guardian is solely responsible for their child’s education, so they will ensure that their child understands the material before moving on.

This is not to say that public schools are wrong; they have great teachers, but it’s just a different environment.

Another big difference is the “pace” at which each student learns. In public schools, the students are all learning at the same pace, which can be frustrating for some students.

For example, if a student is struggling with a particular concept, they will have to wait for the rest of the class to catch up before the teacher can help them.

On the other hand, homeschoolers can learn at their own pace, which can be much more effective for some students.

The last big difference is the social aspect. In public school, students are surrounded by their peers, which can be a great way to make friends and socialize. But for some introverted students, this can be a bit overwhelming.

On the other hand, homeschoolers have more control over their social environment. However, this point has pros and cons that I won’t get into (because you know what works best for you).

Are there any similarities in the academic performance of both children?

There is no definitive answer to this question because it varies from student to student.

Some students excel in public school while others thrive in homeschooling. It depends on the individual’s learning style, personality, and family situation.

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However, studies have clearly shown that homeschooled students are not at a disadvantage regarding college admission or employment. Many homeschooled students succeed in their chosen field, score high on standardized tests, and get into prestigious colleges. 

Why is homeschooling better than going to school?

Homeschooling is not necessarily better than public schooling. It just depends on the individual student’s needs. Like I said before, some students excel in public school while others do better in a homeschooling environment. It varies from student to student. However, you might want to consider some advantages of homeschooling. One advantage is that homeschooling can be more flexible than public schooling. Homeschoolers can often design their curriculum and learning schedule, which can be very beneficial for some students. 

Another advantage is that homeschooling allows for more one-on-one attention from the parent or guardian. This can be very helpful for students who struggle in a traditional school setting. Finally, homeschooling will enable students to learn at their own pace, which can be much more effective for some students.

My verdict

Though both have some stark differences, there are also surprising similarities between homeschooling and public schooling. Let’s take a look at some of the critical points of comparison.

  1. both methods require parents to be actively involved in their child’s education
  2. curriculum is often standardized whether you choose public or home-schooling
  3. and socialization is not as big of an issue as you might think.

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